Beamline 9
At the beamline Beamline 9 of DELTA we investigate different questions by means of the methods X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray reflectivity (XRR).
- superconducting wiggler 5 to 7 T
- silicon (311) double crystal monochromator, first crystal water cooled and sagittal focusing second crystal
- energy range 7 - 27 keV
- energy resolution dE/E = 10-4
- beam size at sample location: horizontally 1.5 to 0.5 mm2 and vertically 1.0 to 0.05 mm2 (depending on respective aperture)
- typical photon flux 5 x109 photons/s/mm2 at 13 keV
- silicon mirror
- absorber and fastshutter system (XIA)
- variable aperture system (JJ-xray)
- control by SPECTRA software (implementation of SPEC commands available)
Experimental setups
- 6-axis diffractometer (NaI point detector, Amptek, area detector MAR345, Pilatus 100K)
- setup for small angle scattering (area detector MAR345)
- setup for fast reflectivities and GID (Pilatus 100K)
- diffraction, texture analysis
- surface diffraction
- reflectivity measurements
- small angle scattering
- fluorescence analysis
Sample environments
- sample setup for in-situ heating of flat specimens and powders in capillaries up to 900°C
- high pressure sample cell with copper sample element (1° to 80° and pressures up to 5 kbar)
- nitrogen sample cooling (Cryostream 700, Oxford Cryosystems)
- Anton Paar DHS1100 for in-situ diffraction (up to 1100°C)
- Linkam HFSX350 temperature cell (-180 to 300°C)
- cryostat
- various sample cells for reflectivities and diffraction
- sample rotation for powder diffraction
- gas pressure cells up to 100 bar
- sample cells for measurement of reflectivities at solid-liquid interfaces
- vacuum environment (backing pump and turbopumps)
M. Paulus, D. Lietz, C. Sternemann, K. Shokuie, M. Tolan, C. Czeslik, and R. Winter, J. Synchrotron Rad. 15, 600 (2008).
C. Krywka, C. Sternemann, M. Paulus, N. Javid, R. Winter, A. Al-Sawalmih, S. Yi, D. Raabe, and M. Tolan, J. Synchrotron Rad. 14, 244 (2007).
C. Krywka, M. Paulus, C. Sternemann, M. Volmer, A. Remhof, G. Nowak, A. Nefedov, B. Pöter, M. Spiegel, and M. Tolan, J. Synchrotron Rad. 13, 8 (2006).
M. Paulus, R. Fendt, C. Sternemann, C. Gutt, H. Hövel, M. Volmer, M. Tolan, and K. Wille, J. Synchrotron Rad. 12, 246 (2005).
Michael Paulus and Christian Sternemann
Maria-Göppert-Mayer Str. 2
44221 Dortmund Room: DELTA 05
Tel: +49 (0)231 755 5372
Fax: +49 (0)231 755 5383
Phone number of the BL: 5995
Further information about DELTA